Calories Per Day Calculator for Adults
Your height: feet
Your weight:
Your age:
Activity level:
Approximate calories you need per day to maintain your current weight:
Calories you need per day to lose 1 lbs a week:
Calories you need per day to lose 1.5 lbs a week:
Calories you need per day to lose 2 lbs a week:
Note: these calculations are based on averages. Athletes may require a higher caloric intake to maintain their current weight.

You'll find the follow 21 day personalized meal plans down below:
Paleo Eating, Healthy Living and Vegetarian Plans
Choose the appropriate meal plan for your calorie level given from the calculator

1200 Calorie Meal Plans

1200 Calorie Healthy Living Meal Plan and Grocery List

1200 Calorie Paleo Meal Plan and Grocery List

1200 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan and Grocery List

1500 Calorie Meal Plans

1500 Calorie Healthy Living Meal Plan and Grocery List

1500 Calorie Paleo Meal Plan and Grocery List

1500 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan and Grocery List

1700 Calorie Meal Plans

1700 Calorie Healthy Living Meal Plan and Grocery List

1700 Calorie Paleo Meal Plan and Grocery List

1700 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan and Grocery List

1900 Calorie Meal Plans

2100 Calorie Healthy Living Meal Plan and Grocery List

2100 Calorie Paleo Meal Plan and Grocery List

2100 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan and Grocery List

2100 Calorie Meal Plans

2100 Calorie Healthy Living Meal Plan and Grocery List

2100 Calorie Paleo Meal Plan and Grocery List

2100 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan and Grocery List

2400 Calorie Meal Plans

2400 Calorie Healthy Living Meal Plan and Grocery List

2400 Calorie Paleo Meal Plan and Grocery List

2400 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan and Grocery List