Achieve your Dream Body
Enroll by May 31st and start melting body fat the day after Memorial Day!
Over 61 Woman have completed and achieved amazing results with this program!
I only open the 63-Day Transformation experience 3 times per year:
61+ Woman have completed and achieved amazing results with this program!
January 11th - closed
May 31st to July 31st - open for registration
July 22nd - Closed
61+ Woman have completed and achieved amazing results with this program!
January 11th - closed
May 31st to July 31st - open for registration
July 22nd - Closed
Welcome to
Fit for Photos Premium Coaching Hey! I'm Toby and this is the 9 Week Fit for Photos Premium Coaching Program where I help people just like you achieve amazing transformations, inside and out. This isn't going to be a long sales letter, or a hard sales pitch with outrageous claims. As you can see from the pictures on this page, this system works, plain and simple. If you follow this 9 Week fat loss system as outlined, you will look and feel beautiful and strong at the end of the program.
In 9 Weeks You'll Get A Better Body Than You've Ever Had Before
That's the honest truth. This is a no fluff, no excuses program. This program has been tried and tested and refined over multiple years. If you're someone who doesn't want to work hard, or if you make excuses for why you missed a workout, then this just isn't for you. If you don't want to transform your body and your life, then this isn't for you.
BUT if you are ready to work hard to make a life-changing transformation, then follow this simple 9 Week blueprint step by step and you'll see quick results, just like Jennifer, a mother of 2 and full time working professional. |
I'm Ready to Coach YOU to Achieve Your Own Amazing Transformation! I've opened up the next round of the 9 Weeks Fit for Photos Premium Coaching Program and want YOU to be a part of it.
I'll be up-front right now — it's not easy. However, if you follow the system that is outlined for you step by step, then I guarantee your results. And you'll have me coaching you every step of the way.
Plus you'll look and feel beautiful at the end for a professional photo shoot.
Plus you'll look and feel beautiful at the end for a professional photo shoot.
You Might Be Wondering Why You Should Do A Photo Shoot?
Well I can tell you a couple of reasons...
It's a great motivator. There's nothing like having a scheduled professional shoot to keep you on track and working hard on your training and diet program. The photo shoot is not just part of the program. It is a reward to yourself to show off your dedication and your new body that you should and will be really proud of. Your pictures will capture how strong, dedicated and persistent you are. When you're done with your photo shoot, you'll have photos that not only document your hard work and results, but to remind you what you are capable of. |
Think You're Up For the Fit for Photos Premium Coaching Program? Here's What's Required From You.
I only want those who are truly committed and can handle a challenge. If you sign up and then quit part way through, you have taken the spot of someone else and that's not fair to them. But I don't foresee that happening to you! You need to be committed, just like Krista, a mom of 3 who went from a size 8 to a size 2 in just 9 weeks.
Here's What You'll Get When You Register for Fit for Photos
- Workouts - delivered weekly via email
- Meal Plans - delivered weekly via email
- Recipe Book - delivered weekly via email
- Exercise Video Library - online
- Food and Workout Journal - Provided via an online platform
- Private Support Group - facebook
Your enrollment is 100% risk free. We know that if you take action and follow Fit and Fabulous step by step, you'll get results. If you do the work and don't get value, then we don't deserve your money and we'll cheerfully refund you 100% of your cost.