Let's Do This!
September 21st - November 23rd
60 days
60 days
We are BEYOND EXCITED to announce our 2015 Fall Mind and Body Transformation Challenge!!! Cash prizes awarded to the top 3 finishers! Invite ALL your friends! The more participants the more fun it will be!
AND THIS WEEK (9/14 - 9/20) the $29 the wholesale account set up fee for people who are getting started is waived!
1st Prize: $1000
2nd Prize: $500
3rd Prize: $250
(See Judging Details Below)
Get your friends off the couch WITH you! SHARE ON FB! |
Select and order your Isagenix nutrition pak option that aligns with your health goals and budget. Click Here |
Enroll in the Healthy Mind and Body Program. This awesome program is an additional $40 but you will receive $45 Isagenix product voucher for completing the program at the end of the 60 days. |
Simultaneously enroll in the 16 week Isabody Challene. This is free and you will receive a $200 product voucher at the end of the 16 weeks for completing. |
No matter where in the US you live... No Matter what you're goals are...
If you're looking to lose weight, get healthy, bulk up, burst a plateau, shave some seconds off your marathon time or kick ass in cross-fit this is for you. Get the best nutritional super-food on the planet plus incredible motivation, nutrition, daily in home workouts, accountability, support and even cash prizes. Join the Mind and Body Transformation Challenge!
NUTRITION = 80% of Your Results: I don't know a single health professional would argue with this fact - "nutrition is responsible for at least 80% of your health, fitness or weight-loss results." That's why this challenge is focused around the use of very specific premium grade nutritional superfood system and proven protocols instead of only a particular type of workout or workout program.
If you're looking to lose weight, get healthy, bulk up, burst a plateau, shave some seconds off your marathon time or kick ass in cross-fit this is for you. Get the best nutritional super-food on the planet plus incredible motivation, nutrition, daily in home workouts, accountability, support and even cash prizes. Join the Mind and Body Transformation Challenge!
NUTRITION = 80% of Your Results: I don't know a single health professional would argue with this fact - "nutrition is responsible for at least 80% of your health, fitness or weight-loss results." That's why this challenge is focused around the use of very specific premium grade nutritional superfood system and proven protocols instead of only a particular type of workout or workout program.

Why do it alone? Lets Achieve Success Together! People are most successful when they go on their fitness journey with people like them. You'll receive support from your peers, who will be with you every step of the way. Having a team of people with you means that you'll push yourself, because you know that other people are counting on you and cheering you on.
Why do it alone? Lets Achieve Success Together! People are most successful when they go on their fitness journey with people like them. You'll receive support from your peers, who will be with you every step of the way. Having a team of people with you means that you'll push yourself, because you know that other people are counting on you and cheering you on.
Get Everything You Need To Succeed:
- "Secret" Facebook support group
- Track your progress (weight, circumference measures, before/after photos, body fat % if available)
- Cash prizes for Top finishers (based on improvements not just weight loss)
- Healthy Mind and Body program to create new habits, behaviors, mental clarity, and a healthier lifestyle
Requirements to be included in the challenge group is to consume the Isagenix nutrition and other healthy food options, workout if able, and commit to taking control of your health and fitness!
You can still eat regular food from the grocery store too but some of what you would normally be eating anyways will be replaced with the Isagenix superfoods. So most people don’t spend more on total food budget each month since it’s a re-direct of food spending. Even more importantly, you’re “trading up” for far higher quality food! If you have some friends who want to "test drive" it with you, you will earn cash rewards for those referrals.
Get ready to look and feel AMAZING!
- "Secret" Facebook support group
- Track your progress (weight, circumference measures, before/after photos, body fat % if available)
- Cash prizes for Top finishers (based on improvements not just weight loss)
- Healthy Mind and Body program to create new habits, behaviors, mental clarity, and a healthier lifestyle
Requirements to be included in the challenge group is to consume the Isagenix nutrition and other healthy food options, workout if able, and commit to taking control of your health and fitness!
You can still eat regular food from the grocery store too but some of what you would normally be eating anyways will be replaced with the Isagenix superfoods. So most people don’t spend more on total food budget each month since it’s a re-direct of food spending. Even more importantly, you’re “trading up” for far higher quality food! If you have some friends who want to "test drive" it with you, you will earn cash rewards for those referrals.
Get ready to look and feel AMAZING!

Here are a few resources for you to check out:
- Listen and Learn More about the challenge (audio)
- Are You Toxic (video)
- Athletes and Performance Goals
- Listen and Learn More about the challenge (audio)
- Are You Toxic (video)
- Athletes and Performance Goals
Judging based on the following:
1) Before and after photos dated with a "time stamp" app (front, side, back photos)
2) Weight and inches released or gained during the challenge period (thighs, arms, chest, waist, hips, and total)
3) Personal Transformation Story (500 words or less)
4) Total Isagenix products (BV) purchased during the challenge period (screen shot a photo under "Orders" and then "View Order History" in your account.
5) Points earned in the "Isagenix Healthy Mind and Body Program" (HMB). Take a screen shot of the total points at the end of your program. To register for this part of this New Year Challenge: Log into your Isagenix account. Click on "Resources" then click "Go to Healthy Mind and Body", sign up and pick your start date on or within 1 week prior to Jan 11. If you recently started the HMB prior to Jan 11, just complete it and submit the screen shot of your points at the end of it. If you've already completed the 60 day HMB in the past, DO IT AGAIN during this New Year Challenge. There's never an end to personal development. You will grow even more the second time going through it. Learn more about the HMB program at this link https://www.healthymindandbody.com/
4) Points completed in the Healthy Mind and Body Program. **If you already started the Healthy Mind and Body Program, you can still submit your total points completed by 11/23
****Submit above data by midnight 11/23
****You can still qualify for the cash prizes if one or more of the criteria above are not submitted but those who complete all the above have better odds of winning and you of course will get out of it what you put into it.
****This is not a 60 day diet. It's what could be the start of a new beginning for you. The ultimate purpose is to help you create a lasting breakthrough in one or more areas of your life using Isagenix and our incredible Isa-Inspired community to support you in your journey to re-gain and then maintain your optimal health LONG TERM
1) Before and after photos dated with a "time stamp" app (front, side, back photos)
2) Weight and inches released or gained during the challenge period (thighs, arms, chest, waist, hips, and total)
3) Personal Transformation Story (500 words or less)
4) Total Isagenix products (BV) purchased during the challenge period (screen shot a photo under "Orders" and then "View Order History" in your account.
5) Points earned in the "Isagenix Healthy Mind and Body Program" (HMB). Take a screen shot of the total points at the end of your program. To register for this part of this New Year Challenge: Log into your Isagenix account. Click on "Resources" then click "Go to Healthy Mind and Body", sign up and pick your start date on or within 1 week prior to Jan 11. If you recently started the HMB prior to Jan 11, just complete it and submit the screen shot of your points at the end of it. If you've already completed the 60 day HMB in the past, DO IT AGAIN during this New Year Challenge. There's never an end to personal development. You will grow even more the second time going through it. Learn more about the HMB program at this link https://www.healthymindandbody.com/
4) Points completed in the Healthy Mind and Body Program. **If you already started the Healthy Mind and Body Program, you can still submit your total points completed by 11/23
****Submit above data by midnight 11/23
****You can still qualify for the cash prizes if one or more of the criteria above are not submitted but those who complete all the above have better odds of winning and you of course will get out of it what you put into it.
****This is not a 60 day diet. It's what could be the start of a new beginning for you. The ultimate purpose is to help you create a lasting breakthrough in one or more areas of your life using Isagenix and our incredible Isa-Inspired community to support you in your journey to re-gain and then maintain your optimal health LONG TERM