- 15x Large Arm Circles (forward and backward)
- 10x Down Dog with SCOOP into Cobra
- 10x Push-Ups (assisted or Regular)
1) 3 Rounds (straight though without rest if possible):
- 10x Push-Ups straight into
- :30s Plank
2) 3 Rounds
- 18x DB Rows (on each side w
- 18x DB Tricep Kickbacks, Single Arm
- 18x Bicep Curls (with weight)
- 18x DB Standing Shoulder Press - Left
- 18x DB Flys
- 18x Bent Over DB Reverse Flys
- 18x Dips on a chair or bench
- 18x DB Hammer Curls
- 18x DB Standing Single Arm Shoulder Press - Right
- 18x Push-Ups
- 18x DB Pullovers
- 18x DB Skull Crushers
4 Rounds - EMOM (every minute on the minutes)
- 1x Fwd Lunge + 1 Squat
- 16x Tempo MTN Climbers (with a 1 sec hold each leg)
- 100x Jumping Jacks
- 25x Squat Jumps
- 20x SL Deadlifts - R/L
3) Finish it off with 2 MINUTES of Arm Circles!
- 60 seconds to the front
- 60 seconds backward.
Cool Down & Stretch (5-10 min)